To Our Readers:
We set out to redesign our site several months ago, in order to give you a cleaner, fresher look to The Golf Blog – a distinctive look that you’ll remember … and enjoy. Well, we hope you like. It’s taken months of planning and the generous input and help of a number of people whom we are indebted to and will be thanking in person.
We also want to thank all of you for your continued readership. Last month was another record month for The Golf Blog, with over 31,000 hits. And last Sunday was another record day, with over 4,500 hits. These numbers are nice, but what we appreciate most is sharing our love of this amazing, but, at times, frustrating game with others who share that same sentiment.
We could not think of a better way to kick off The Masters than with the launch of our redesign. Enjoy both.
The Golf Blog