The Big Easy report

mulligan, 17 July 2006, Comments Off on The Big Easy report
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On the Open Championship: The Open Championship will always be my favourite tournament of the year for as long as I’m playing this game. I love everything about it; the unique challenge of links golf – you know, the type of shots you have to play and how you have to adapt your game to suit whatever the conditions throw at you from one day to the next. And I love the atmosphere, the way the spectators understand the game and appreciate your good shots. Not taking anything away from the other majors, but there’s nothing else like the Open.

On Hoylake: It’s a shame that Hoylake has been left on the sidelines for so long, because it’s a great golf course. I understand the reasoning – obviously the infrastructure wasn’t in place to cope with such a huge tournament. But now that’s been resolved, let’s hope it stays on the Open rota. This is what I’d call a classic links, with the sand dunes and the pot bunkers. It has a really nice look about it. It’s not the longest course, compared to what we’re used to, but it’s set-up like a links should be. The course has browned off in the last few weeks and the ground is hard, dry and fast-running. Hopefully we’ll get a bit of wind, too. Then it’ll be a proper test.

On responding to critics: People are writing a lot of stuff about my game not being where it needs to be. I know that. I don’t need anyone to tell me what’s obvious to me. But you know something? With major championships, recent form isn’t everything. When I won the Open at Muirfield in 2002 I didn’t play great at Loch Lomond the week beforehand. I nearly missed the cut, in fact; just like I almost did last week. But then I got to Muirfield and something clicked. I played some of the best golf of my life to win my first Open title. How does that happen? Who knows. The fact is, winning a major is about more than just hitting the ball well. It’s about using your head, playing smart golf, staying patient and, let’s be honest, getting a bit of luck at the right time.

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