Take a mulligan: stop calling your kid "the next Tiger Woods"

mulligan, 01 August 2006, Comments Off on Take a mulligan: stop calling your kid "the next Tiger Woods"
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Someone needs to put a stop to this. It’s cute at home, but absolutely ridiculous for the media to report this is as national news. There is a two year old “golfer” who Diane Sawyer put on Good Morning America yesterday morning (also available here) — yes, on national TV along with fighting in the Middle East — claiming that the two year old “was poised to be the next Tiger Woods.” The story was picked up after a local Denver news station ran this story on the boy (check out the video).

It’s a cute little segment, but, you know what?–you can find dozens and dozens of parents claiming their kid is the next Tiger Woods. Just check out the home videos on YouTube.com. I might approve if the parents were really only joking and were not serious about trying to make their kid the next Tiger Woods. But I fear some of these parents have more ambition, deep down, than they would admit.

Anyway, someone should tell them–and ABC’s Diane Sawyer–that the “next Tiger Woods” will be a woman, not a man.


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