Greatest round ever with a snowman?

mulligan, 21 July 2007, Comments Off on Greatest round ever with a snowman?
Categories: The Open

There are so many interesting stories unfolding during The Open this year. The biggest story, in my view, is that Car-nasty has perhaps become Car-too-easy, as evidenced not only by Steve Striker on Saturday posting a record-low round, but also Tiger finding a way to break 70 despite a round of pretty poor ball-striking. Of course, the on-going story is whether Sergio Garcia will be able win his first major with a wire-to-wire victory.

But a story that certainly should not be overlooked is Ernie Els getting back to making some noise in a major. Improving two strokes each round after an opening 72, Els posted a 68 on moving day to get on the final page of the leaderboard and put himself in position to be in the hunt on Sunday.

What’s most amazing about Ernie’s efforts, however, is that his round today included an 8 on the sixth hole! Ernie followed up by playing the next 12 holes in -5 and turning a one-hole disaster into just a stunning outlier in one of Ernie’s best rounds in a major in a very long time. It also prompts the question of this post on which readers are encouraged to weigh in:

Did Ernie on Saturday at Carnoustie shoot the greatest round ever that includes a snowman?


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