The Golf Blog: President-elect Donald Trump, is he really a 3 handicap? Golf swing analysis video.

mulligan, 13 November 2016, Comments Off on The Golf Blog: President-elect Donald Trump, is he really a 3 handicap? Golf swing analysis video.
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The Golf Blog says: Everyone knows President-elect Donald Trump is a golfer and the owner of several golf resorts. He also claims to be a 3 handicap, with a swing that does look like a swing of 3 handicapper. The Washington Post reported from several people who played with Donald Trump and who said that he basically cheated with his score–or at the very least was very liberal, so to speak, with gimmes and dropping balls on the course.

It will be interesting to watch how often The Donald hits the course during his Presidency. Given all the responsibilities of the President, he probably won’t have as much time to hit the links.


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